The Journal

Why Does Placement Matter for Your Humidor Hygr...
- An accurate hygrometer reading is essential to storing your cigars effectively. - Different locations in your humidor will have different humidity levels. - If your hygrometer seal is bad,...
Why Does Placement Matter for Your Humidor Hygrometer?
- An accurate hygrometer reading is essential to storing your cigars effectively. - Different locations in your humidor will have

How to Deal With Low Humidity in Your Humidor
In times of extreme cold humidor humidity can drop at an alarming rate. Here are four super-easy ways to raise humidity levels inside your Klaro Humidor.
How to Deal With Low Humidity in Your Humidor
In times of extreme cold humidor humidity can drop at an alarming rate. Here are four super-easy ways to raise

What Does Temperature Control Do For My Humidor?
There’s nothing wrong with being hyper-meticulous about your humidor’s RH (relative humidity), whether it’s a travel humidor, a small humidor, or a cabinet humidor. After all, an overly dry...
What Does Temperature Control Do For My Humidor?
There’s nothing wrong with being hyper-meticulous about your humidor’s RH (relative humidity), whether it’s a travel humidor, a small

How to Organize Your Humidor: FIFO, Aging, Stac...
We’ve seen the inside of some of your humidors. Disheveled messes, many of them. So it’s no surprise you forget about some of the cigars in your collection or...
How to Organize Your Humidor: FIFO, Aging, Stacking, and More
We’ve seen the inside of some of your humidors. Disheveled messes, many of them. So it’s no surprise you

Humidor Best Practices
Humidors are incredibly low maintenance tools, especially for the hard work they put in to keep your cigars nice and safe. But for all their low maintenance, they’re still not...
Humidor Best Practices
Humidors are incredibly low maintenance tools, especially for the hard work they put in to keep your cigars nice and

Restoration Tips for Your Antique Humidor
There’s a saying that “antique never goes out of style.” Well, it may not be a saying, but it’s true. The market for cool, lightly used, stylish old goods...
Restoration Tips for Your Antique Humidor
There’s a saying that “antique never goes out of style.” Well, it may not be a saying, but it’s

Why Is My Humidor Humidifier Fluctuating?
A lot can throw a humidor out of whack–especially if the quality of the humidor itself is in question. Cigars can be resilient, and the occasional change in humidification...
Why Is My Humidor Humidifier Fluctuating?
A lot can throw a humidor out of whack–especially if the quality of the humidor itself is in question.

Is A Humidor Cabinet Right For My Business?
Cigar smoking saw a rise in popularity during the pandemic when folks were required to stay at home and had extra time to reignite interest and invest time in hobbies,...
Is A Humidor Cabinet Right For My Business?
Cigar smoking saw a rise in popularity during the pandemic when folks were required to stay at home and had