The Journal

Fridgador Seasoning Instructions
Learn how to season your new Fridgador by Klaro. We walk you through every step of the process.
Fridgador Seasoning Instructions
Learn how to season your new Fridgador by Klaro. We walk you through every step of the process.

Luca Humidor Seasoning Instructions
Learn how to season your new Luca humidor by Klaro. We walk you through every step of the process.
Luca Humidor Seasoning Instructions
Learn how to season your new Luca humidor by Klaro. We walk you through every step of the process.

MAG Humidor Seasoning Instructions
Learn how to season your new MAG humidor by Klaro. We walk you through every step of the process.
MAG Humidor Seasoning Instructions
Learn how to season your new MAG humidor by Klaro. We walk you through every step of the process.

Belmont - Seasoning Instructions
So you've just purchased the Belmont humidor by Klaro, and now you need to season it. You've come to the right place.
Belmont - Seasoning Instructions
So you've just purchased the Belmont humidor by Klaro, and now you need to season it. You've come to the right