The Journal

How to solve the dilemma of choosing the RIGHT ...
Unless you are the ultimate wine snob, you probably are like most casual wine drinkers and don’t have a good grasp of what wines go best with different food...
Cómo resolver el dilema de elegir el vino correcto para la comida correcta.
Unless you are the ultimate wine snob, you probably are like most casual wine drinkers and don’t have a

How to solve the four wine-ordering dilemmas wh...
Here’s the challenge – you are hosting a party for 12 people. You know there will be differences of opinion and preferences about what wine to drink. Is there any...
Cómo resolver los cuatro dilemas que ordenan el vino al elegir un vino para una fiesta.
Here’s the challenge – you are hosting a party for 12 people. You know there will be differences of opinion

4 things to remember when bringing wine to a di...
Most of us have been there before! You’ve been invited to a dinner party and you know you’re expected to bring a bottle of wine. Don’t fret about it. Simple...
4 cosas para recordar al traer vino a una cena
A la mayoría nos ha pasado alguna vez. Te han invitado a una cena y sabes que se espera de ti que

Los 5 mayores errores que los bebedores de vino hacen
While drinking wine isn’t difficult – you open a bottle, pour the wine in the glass and take a sip – there are several common mistakes many people make in...
Los 5 mayores errores que los bebedores de vino hacen
Beber vino no es difícil: se abre una botella, se vierte en la copa y se bebe un sorbo.

Cinco consejos para seleccionar el vino como regalo de acogida
Wine is the perfect gift - providing your host enjoys wine. But, if you are undecided about how to select a wine, follow these 5 simple steps: Know your host ...
Cinco consejos para seleccionar el vino como regalo de acogida
El vino es el regalo perfecto, siempre que a su anfitrión le guste. Pero si está indeciso sobre cómo seleccionar