The Journal

Why You Should Consider a Humidor with a Glass Top
You tend to notice the humidor room inside an establishment right away. Whether it’s the location of the walk-in humidor or the glass walls and rows of brown hues...
Why You Should Consider a Humidor with a Glass Top
You tend to notice the humidor room inside an establishment right away. Whether it’s the location of the walk-in

What to Look for in the Best Small Humidor
There are several good reasons to own a small humidor. It could be a smart an alternate to your primary, larger humidor. Small humidors are fantastic if it's...
What to Look for in the Best Small Humidor
There are several good reasons to own a small humidor. It could be a smart an alternate to

Everything You Need to Know About Torch Lighters
For a cigar enthusiast, few things are worse than an unevenly lit cigar. Whether because of a fast burning match or a low flame lighter, once the uneven burn begins,...
Everything You Need to Know About Torch Lighters
For a cigar enthusiast, few things are worse than an unevenly lit cigar. Whether because of a fast burning match

Which humidor solution do I use – Regular solut...
Let's take a look to Michael's seasoning tips when starting your new humidor. Find out what solution you should use. It's not always black or white when you use the...
Which humidor solution do I use – Regular solution or Winter mix?
Let's take a look to Michael's seasoning tips when starting your new humidor. Find out what solution you should use.

The Types of Wood Used to Make Humidors
An investment in a humidor can represent how much we value our cigar collections. And that’s because the quality of the humidor determines how well our cigar collections hold up...
The Types of Wood Used to Make Humidors
An investment in a humidor can represent how much we value our cigar collections. And that’s because the quality of

How Much Money Should You Spend on a Humidor?
Once you’ve entered the world of cigar appreciation, you’ve no doubt also started to explore the many features that go along with it. Things like cutters and high-quality torch lighters...
How Much Money Should You Spend on a Humidor?
Once you’ve entered the world of cigar appreciation, you’ve no doubt also started to explore the many features that go

What Exactly Is a Humidor?
Even if you’re new to the world of cigars, you’ve probably heard of—or had other cigar enthusiasts mention to you—a humidor. But what is it? Like any hobby, cigar appreciation...
What Exactly Is a Humidor?
Even if you’re new to the world of cigars, you’ve probably heard of—or had other cigar enthusiasts mention to you—a

The Best Humidors on Amazon
For the conscientious cigar enthusiast, humidors are a necessity rather than an accessory. Humidors house your cigar collection and protect them, keeping them at the right humidity level and ensuring...
The Best Humidors on Amazon
For the conscientious cigar enthusiast, humidors are a necessity rather than an accessory. Humidors house your cigar collection and protect