高級タバコのファンにとって、万華鏡のようなシガーラッパーの色、形(通称 ビトラ)、強み、そして シガーフレーバープロファイル のオプションは、パッと見てわかるようになっています。 

In a world where aging a premium cigar blend or a particular cigar type resting in 校正されたヒュミドールの問題 は、ほとんどのタバコ愛好家にとって、個別包装の部分を考慮することは一般的ではありません。

In fact, the individual packaging portion of premium cigar blend shopping is not very diverse at all, with a core three options remaining the norm: Cellophane-wrapped, tubed (aka チューバス), and completely unprotected.

では、これら3つの葉巻のパッケージング方法のうち、どれがベストなのでしょうか?それとも、それぞれに利点と落とし穴があるのでしょうか? Well fellow intrepid cigar smoking sidekick, today is your day to find out why the cigar humidor dress code may or may not matter so much, and what to look for when selecting a cigar.




There’s no denying the significance that cellophane plays in our daily lives. After over a century of use, this transparent, ultra-thin barrier is one of the most widely utilized single-use products on the planet, including the encapsulation of cigars.

Traditionally formed from plant cellulose, cigar cellophane tubes are actually a naturally derived product, and can either be made to size at a cigar factory, or outsourced from a supplier. Cellophane not only shields a cigar wrapper from damage during packaging and handling, but it also serves as a form of humidity barrier, which in certain cases can slow the drying process.

This transparent product allows moisture to enter slowly, thus allowing cellophane-wrapped cigars to gradually absorb an adequate amount of moisture during じきゅうしんてきへいき

タバコオタクノート  Planning to place some stogies in your humidor travel case and hit the highway? A cellophane shield will help prevent that cigemove the cellophane if you would like, as it will help keep over-humidification from occurring during long-term cigar aging.

Tubos & Coffins


Cigar tube, or チューバス, as they are commonly referred to in the cigar biz, are one of the best forms of cigar preservation. But these cylindrical designs, and their square-bodied, sliding door coffin counterparts come with their own unique caveats as well.

Commonly constructed from aluminum (and occasionally out of plastic or glass), cigar tubos prevent a broad array of blunt impact-oriented damage and cigar wrapper scuffing from occurring. The same is true for cigar coffins, which are typically constructed from wood. But there’s way more to these stogie capsules than just structural integrity and appearances, with the downsides being a bit... annoying. 


May it be constructed from glass, plastic, aluminum, wood, or the hollowed-out femur of a sworn enemy, cigar tubos and coffins keep sticky fingers and airborne contaminants alike the hell away from our precious tobacco. 

Like a nefarious uncle testifying in front of the court during his third divorce hearing, cigar wrappers are notorious for cracking under pressure. That is why this sort of cigar shield serves as such a great buffer against the unexpected accidents that occur all too often in the cigar world.










Despite retaining a certain level of humidity when properly capped, tubed cigars do tend to dry out over time if not exposed to a humidor’s muggy confines. Outside of a humidor box, you might have a week or two in the humid heat of summer before a tubed cigar will begin to turn. Whereas even a tightly sealed tubos cigar will become brittle quite quickly in an ultra-arid high-temp environment.

Tubos cigars also tend to age slower, which depending upon when you are looking to smoke said cigar, can either help or hinder th

タバコオタクノート シガーチューブの中にスペイン杉の板を詰めてライター代わりにすることは、決して強制的な措置ではないが、ごく一般的な行為である。一般的な利用方法 ヒュミドールウッド スペイン杉は、シガーラッパーと金属管の間の完璧な緩衝材として機能するだけでなく、シガー自体に素晴らしいアロマノートを付与します。シガーに火をつける際のシガーシートの使い方については、こちらの記事でご紹介しています。





しかし、一皮むけた葉巻もまた、最高の反応を示す傾向があります。 しつどのかんらん and hold up the best when it comes to long-term humidor storage. Unprotected smokes are also far easier to assess than cellophane-wrapped and tubos cigars, so keep that in mind if you plan on meticulously monitoring a particular stick in that snazzy new Case Elegance humidor あなたの




ということで、ぜひ一度手に取ってみてください。 ヒュミドールトラベルパック もし、裏庭で葉巻を吸うことが日常茶飯事になってしまったら。葉巻は、外側の保護具の有無に関係なく、一握りの葉巻を裏庭に投げ入れます。 シガーポケットプロテクターケース は、高評価のプレミアムシガーブレンドを提供し続けることをさらに助け、喫煙のシナリオにもう一つの安全層を追加するだけです。

Micah Wright | 著者
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