The Journal
Regalos únicos de los padrinos de boda de CaseElegance
Ever wonder how the tradition of the groomsmen got started? You might be surprised to learn that the whole wedding party history was initiated with the groomsmen (and NOT the...
Bridesmaids Gifts - Give the Gift that Stands ...
The bridesmaid is an integral part of any wedding, on hand to comfort, console, multitask and spread the joy at all bridal events. Having bridesmaids at weddings is thought to...
Regalos para las damas de honor - ¡Da el regalo que destaca!
La dama de honor es parte integrante de cualquier boda, ya que está a mano para consolar, reconfortar, realizar múltiples tareas y contagiar la alegría a los invitados.
How much should a bride spend on a bridesmaid g...
How much should a bride spend on a bridesmaid gift? Weddings are already outrageously expensive, there is no need to break the bank when it comes to making sure your...
¿Cuánto debería gastar una novia en un regalo de dama de honor?
¿Cuánto debe gastarse una novia en un regalo para la dama de honor? Las bodas ya son escandalosamente caras, no hay necesidad de