The Journal

Top 10 Watch Cases for Every Collector
Any serious watch collector knows the importance of having a dedicated case to keep their watches safe, organized, and secure. This guide explores the best watch boxes for every situation,...
Top 10 Watch Cases for Every Collector
Any serious watch collector knows the importance of having a dedicated case to keep their watches safe, organized, and secure.

Case Elegance’s timepiece-safe magnetic closing...
Knowing the effects of magnetism, you have probably wondered how safe magnetic watch boxes are for your timepieces. Now, inadvertently, we live surrounded by magnetism in our daily lives. Even...
La caja del reloj de cierre magnético Case Elegance
Conociendo los efectos del magnetismo, probablemente se haya preguntado hasta qué punto son seguras las cajas magnéticas para relojes. Ahora, inadvertidamente,

Las 10 mejores y más caras cajas de relojes
Listing the top best & most expensive watch-boxes is not an easy task as one might think. There are several factors to consider: design, functionality, the quality of the materials, ...
Las 10 mejores y más caras cajas de relojes
Listing the top best & most expensive watch-boxes is not an e

Modern Watch Storage - una guía para coleccionistas
When it comes to high-end watches, storage is almost as important as each one of those precious and invaluable pieces. As a watch collector, you know that. But you also...
Modern Watch Storage - una guía para coleccionistas
Cuando se trata de relojes de alta gama, el almacenamiento es casi tan importante como cada una de esas preciosas e inestimables piezas.

Cuatro tendencias para el 2017 en relojes para hombre
Fashion trend forecasting is a challenge! The fickle influences of changing attitudes, changing faces, and celebrity endorsements all affect fashion direction. And this doesn’t account for potential political and financial...
Cuatro tendencias para el 2017 en relojes para hombre
Predecir las tendencias de la moda es todo un reto. La moda se ve afectada por la volubilidad de las actitudes, los rostros y las celebridades.

Las 6 mejores tendencias de moda en relojes para mujer en el 2017
Ladies watch trends for 2017 are all about color, striking dials, gorgeous straps, the sparkle, and getting back to the basics. The basics we are referring to are watch sizes,...
Las 6 mejores tendencias de moda en relojes para mujer en el 2017
Las tendencias en relojes femeninos para 2017 giran en torno al color, las esferas llamativas, las correas preciosas, el brillo y la vuelta al

How to travel with your collection of expensive...
If you're a watch-owner, you know the FEAR! When traveling with expensive watches (or other expensive jewelry), there is always the concern about theft or damage that might occur. ...
How to
Si eres propietario de un reloj, ¡conoces el MIEDO! Cuando se viaja con relojes caros (u otras joyas caras), siempre hay