Traveling with just 2-4 cigars isn't enough for the cigar enthusiast. Our larger travel case holds up to 8 cigars, including large ring gauges and Churchill lengths. Say goodbye to leaving behind your favorite cigars and hello to the ultimate travel companion for cigar lovers.
Supreme Protection, Travel Ready
Step inside the Maxwell travel cigar case and feel the supreme protection provided by Spanish Cedar Wood construction. With a secure elastic band, your cigars won't jostle during travel. Rest assured that your precious cigars will remain intact during your adventures.
Style, Luxury, And Functionality Combined
Crafted with care, our travel case offers the ultimate cigar experience on the go. The rich-looking textured vegan leather exterior exudes sophistication, while the aromatic cedar wood lining adds a touch of luxury. Custom-made hardware in matte gunmetal enhances modern elegance.
Thick Spanish Cedar Lining
The Maxwell Travel Case is lined with thick, genuine Spanish cedar wood. Its contoured shapes keep your cigars snug and secure, providing excellent protection and preserving their unique flavor profiles.
The Perfect Gift For Cigar Lovers
Looking for the perfect gift for a cigar lover? Look no further. The Maxwell Cigar Travel Case ticks every box on the wishlist of any cigar enthusiast: portability, supreme protection, and luxury materials. Consider personalized monogramming for an extra special touch to make this gift truly one-of-a-kind. Show your loved one how much you care.
Traveling with just 2-4 cigars isn't enough for the cigar enthusiast. Our larger travel case holds up to 8 cigars, including large ring gauges and Churchill lengths. Say goodbye to leaving behind your favorite cigars and hello to the ultimate travel companion for cigar lovers.
Supreme Protection, Travel Ready
Step inside the Maxwell travel cigar case and feel the supreme protection provided by Spanish Cedar Wood construction. With a secure elastic band, your cigars won't jostle during travel. Rest assured that your precious cigars will remain intact during your adventures.
Style, Luxury, And Functionality Combined
Crafted with care, our travel case offers the ultimate cigar experience on the go. The rich-looking textured vegan leather exterior exudes sophistication, while the aromatic cedar wood lining adds a touch of luxury. Custom-made hardware in matte gunmetal enhances modern elegance.
Thick Spanish Cedar Lining
The Maxwell Travel Case is lined with thick, genuine Spanish cedar wood. Its contoured shapes keep your cigars snug and secure, providing excellent protection and preserving their unique flavor profiles.
The Perfect Gift For Cigar Lovers
Looking for the perfect gift for a cigar lover? Look no further. The Maxwell Cigar Travel Case ticks every box on the wishlist of any cigar enthusiast: portability, supreme protection, and luxury materials. Consider personalized monogramming for an extra special touch to make this gift truly one-of-a-kind. Show your loved one how much you care.
I bought one for myself. A friend saw it, liked and asked to keep it. I had no other choice but to get a replacement for myself. The Travel Case is that good.