The Journal

Felix Pro & Regular Humidor Seasoning Instructions
Learn how to properly season your brand-new Felix humidor from Klaro. Our guide will take you through each stage.
Felix Pro & Regular Humidor Seasoning Instructions
Learn how to properly season your brand-new Felix humidor from Klaro. Our guide will take you through each stage.

Renzo Glass-Top Humidor Seasoning Instructions
ケース・エレガンス・レンゾー ガラス天板ヒュミドールをご購入いただきありがとうございます。さあ、次はこのケースのシーズニングです。こちらのページでシーズニング方法をご説明させていただきます。
Renzo Glass-Top Humidor Seasoning Instructions

Digital Carbon Fiber Humidor - Seasoning Instru...

So you've just purchased the Case Elegance digital cherry humidor, and now you need to season it. You've come to the right place. IMPORTANT: Fill included gel solution jar with CE Humidor...