The Journal

Shop Small Business Saturday at Case Elegance &...
Pay it forward this holiday season by shopping Small Business Saturday, and supporting the little guys out there like Case Elegance and Klaro. We've got deals!
Shop Small Business Saturday at Case Elegance & Klaro and Save Big Bucks!
Pay it forward this holiday season by shopping Small Business Saturday, and supporting the little guys out there like Case

Klaro Black Friday Deals for 2024 Are Here!
For 2024, we have some smoking hot Black Friday deals and exclusive gear from Case Elegance and Klaro for the guys and gals who want the finer things in life.
Klaro Black Friday Deals for 2024 Are Here!
For 2024, we have some smoking hot Black Friday deals and exclusive gear from Case Elegance and Klaro for the

Ultimate Watch & Cigar Gifts for the Man Who Ha...
These watch and cigar gifts from Klaro are so specialized and practical, that they had to be patented. Making them perfect for the man who has everything...
Ultimate Watch & Cigar Gifts for the Man Who Has Everything
These watch and cigar gifts from Klaro are so specialized and practical, that they had to be patented. Making them

La façon dont vous coupez et allumez un cigare a son importance
- Torch lighters and specialized cigar cutters are the two most important accessories you own. - Different torch lighters serve

Fête des pères 2022 : idées de cadeaux pour les humidificateurs
We love buying our fathers cigars throughout the year. A gift that’s quick, affordable, and easy to give on a whim and without occasion. But when it comes to...
Fête des pères 2022 : idées de cadeaux pour les humidificateurs
Nous aimons acheter des cigares à nos pères tout au long de l'année. C'est un cadeau rapide, abordable et facile à offrir.

Puis-je conserver les cigares à long terme ?
Cigar appreciation is a fun hobby that can take a lot of different paths. Some like to keep it more casual. They keep one or two cigars on hand, smoke...
Puis-je conserver les cigares à long terme ?
L'appréciation des cigares est un passe-temps amusant qui peut prendre des chemins très différents. Certains préfèrent s'en tenir à des

La liste de contrôle des cigares de la Saint-Sylvestre 2021
Watch the ball drop live from a cold New York City street, surrounded by fellow tourists. Enjoy a late night at the cocktail lounge and celebrate another strange year–or...
La liste de contrôle des cigares de la Saint-Sylvestre 2021
Assistez à la tombée de la boule en direct d'une rue froide de New York, entouré de touristes. Profitez d'un

Quel est l'équilibre de votre humidor ?
Let’s talk about the evenness inside your humidor. In this video, you can see the Octodor humidor sitting at 68% and 72ºF (a couple of degrees higher than suggested) and...
Quel est l'équilibre de votre humidor ?
Parlons de l'homogénéité à l'intérieur de votre humidificateur. Dans cette vidéo, vous pouvez voir l'humidor Octodor avec un taux de 68%.