Wichtige Hinweise:
- Es ist wichtig, ihre Zigarren so genau wie möglich bei 70% Feuchtigkeit zu lagern. Niedrigere Temperaturen verhindern, dass die Lösung verdunstet, während höhere Temperaturen den Humidor schneller austrocknen lässt.
- Winter months or dry climates require diligent maintenance. The Felix is designed to accommodate several humidity packs, so feel free to add additional packs to increase the humidity.
- Wir empfehlen Ihren Humidor NICHT an direktem Sonnenlicht zu lagern. Dadurch wird die Luftfeuchtigkeit des Humidors schnell gesenkt.
- We recommend using 69% humidity packs weighing at least 60gm.
Hygrometer Notes:
- You will need to periodically replace the battery in your hygrometer (Battery Type: CR2032).
- Every Klaro hygrometer comes pre-calibrated from the factory, but in the rare case you need to recalibrate, you do so by holding the F/C button for at least 5 seconds.
Felix Pro Instructions:
Temporarily remove the top plastic trays and the cedar wood bottom storage tray. Place your humidity pack on the bottom of the plastic base. After, put the acrylic and wood trays back. The Felix is designed to accommodate several humidity packs, so feel free to add additional packs to the top plastic trays or under the wood cedar tray to increase the humidity.
Note: You may need additional humidity packs in dry seasons or climates. We recommend using 69% humidity packs weighing at least 60gm.
Felix Instructions (Smaller):

Temporarily remove the top plastic trays and the cedar wood bottom storage tray. Place your humidity pack on the bottom of the plastic base. After, put the acrylic and wood trays back. The Felix is designed to accommodate several humidity packs, so feel free to add additional packs to the top plastic trays or under the wood cedar tray to increase the humidity.
Note: You may need additional humidity packs in dry seasons or climates. We recommend using 69% humidity packs weighing at least 60gm.
If you aren't able to reach the required humidity or have other questions, please send us a Nachricht, E-Mailoder Anruf oder Text 317 530 3002
E-Mail: [email protected]