The Journey

Our journey started several years ago with a clear mission: creating exceptional products that address everyday problems. As passionate cigar aficionados, our goal was to establish Case Elegance as the definitive name in humidor manufacturing by providing innovative designs that are aesthetically pleasing and address the age-old issues plaguing the industry, such as inconsistent humidity control. We approach each day with enthusiasm and an unrelenting desire to keep delivering on our commitment. We owe our success to the unwavering support and loyalty of our community, and for that, we are sincerely grateful. Thank you for being a part of our journey.

Every day we wake up with the purpose to bring you the best quality goods we can create, inspiring you to pursue life fully.

It’s evident that Klaro/CE not only makes a stellar product but you clearly prioritize customer service. The couple of questions I had were responded to quickly, succinctly, and your advice was spot on. You have a customer for life because of that.

Michael S.

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  • Zigarren für Krieger

    +4,000 Cigars Donated

    • Cigars for Warriors is a nonprofit organization that collects and distributes premium cigars, cigar accessories, and other items to American troops serving overseas, providing them with a taste of home and a moment of relaxation during their deployment.
    • A portion of our sales of the Militärische Humidore goes to helping Cigars for Warriors mission.
  • Trees For The Future

    +200,000 Trees Planted

    • Trees for the Future is a non-profit organization that aims to combat poverty, hunger, and deforestation by providing communities in developing countries with the knowledge and resources to plant and sustainably grow their own trees and gardens, improving soil health and providing sustainable sources of food, fuel, and income.
    • Wir sind eine Partnerschaft mit Trees für die Future™ eingegangen, um die Holzverarbeitung in unseren Produkten auszugleichen. Für jedes Produkt, das wir verkaufen, pflanzen wir einen Baum.