The Journal

Wie gut ist Ihr Humidor abgedichtet?
If you plan on buying a humidor be sure to test the seal on the edge of the lid prior to purchase. And that's just one area where your humidor...
Wie gut ist Ihr Humidor abgedichtet?
If you plan on buying a humidor be sure to test the seal on the edge of the lid prior

How to Change the Battery on a Klaro Hygrometer
How to Change the Battery on Your Klaro Humidor If your hygrometer screen has gone blank, it’s probably time to replace the battery. A quick swap will get your readings...
How to Change the Battery on a Klaro Hygrometer
How to Change the Battery on Your Klaro Humidor If your hygrometer screen has gone blank, it’s probably time to

When to Replace Your Humidor’s Hygrometer
A humidor without a hygrometer is like driving a car without a gauge cluster, you’re in the dark about crucial details. This article dives into the importance of hygrometers, how...
When to Replace Your Humidor’s Hygrometer
A humidor without a hygrometer is like driving a car without a gauge cluster, you’re in the dark about crucial

Kann man eine normale Zigarrenkiste als Humidor verwenden?
While a humidor box is the ideal choice for storing cigars, many beginners or occasional smokers may wonder if a regular cigar box can serve the same purpose: can a...
Kann man eine normale Zigarrenkiste als Humidor verwenden?
Während eine Humidorbox die ideale Wahl für die Lagerung von Zigarren ist, fragen sich viele Anfänger oder Gelegenheitsraucher, ob eine

The Art of Preservation: How Long Do Cigars Las...
For us as cigar enthusiasts, ensuring the optimal preservation of their prized collection is of utmost importance. Enter the humidor box—a key component in maintaining the perfect conditions for cigars....
Die Kunst der Konservierung: Wie lange halten sich Zigarren in einer Humidorbox?
Für uns als Zigarrenliebhaber ist die optimale Aufbewahrung ihrer wertvollen Sammlung von größter Bedeutung. Betreten Sie den Humidor

Wie funktioniert eine Humidor-Box?
A humidor box is an essential tool for any cigar enthusiast looking to maintain the quality, flavor, and freshness of their cigars. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the...
Wie funktioniert eine Humidor-Box?
A humidor box is an essential tool for any cigar enthusiast looking to maintain the quality, flavor, and freshness of

Wie halte ich in meinem elektrischen Humidor 70% Luftfeuchtigkeit?
As a cigar aficionado, you understand the importance of keeping your cigars at the right humidity level. An electric humidor is a great way to maintain the perfect environment...
Wie halte ich in meinem elektrischen Humidor 70% Luftfeuchtigkeit?
As a cigar aficionado, you understand the importance of keeping your cigars at the right humidity level. An electric

Why Does Placement Matter for Your Humidor Hygr...
- An accurate hygrometer reading is essential to storing your cigars effectively. - Different locations in your humidor will have different humidity levels. - If your hygrometer seal is bad,...
Warum ist die Platzierung des Hygrometers für Ihren Humidor wichtig?
- An accurate hygrometer reading is essential to storing your cigars effectively. - Different locations in your humidor will have