In times of extreme cold, or in parts of the world where intense dry air is prevalent, humidor humidity can drop at an alarming rate. While the use ofKlaro Valet Smart Hygrometer certainly will help you keep an eye on those interior stats, it's up to you to devise a way to bump that cigar box's ambient air back up to the ideal 65–72% humidor humidity level. 

Fortunately for you, we have come up with a super-easy way to raise humidity levels inside a Klaro Humidor, and it all boils down to a little bit of maintenance, a couple of inexpensive industry-leading products, and a bit of due diligence on your behalf. 

Step 1: Remove Cigars From the Humidor

While the idea of taking all of your precious stogies away from their source of humidity may sound counterintuitive, this is a vital step in making sure that your cigar collection is seeing proper rotation. Humidors work best when the cigars inside them are rotated on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, so taking everything out so that it can be redistributed inside in reverse order is the most logical method to achieving this goal.

Step 2: Refill the Hydro Tray/Hydro Channel With Winter Solution

There's a reason why Klaro's Winter + Dry Climate Humidor Solution still has a perfect 5-star rating after all these years on the market. Thanks to its higher propylene glycol levels, this unique humidor solution formula makes it easy to rapidly boost the humidity within your humidor in a safe manner. This product has proven to be so popular, that we have even started offering a specialized Winter + Dry Climate Klaro Membership in conjuncKlaro Humidor Membership service.

Simply top-off that Klaro Hydro Tablett (or Wasserkanal if using something like a Klaro MAG desktop humidor) with a splash of the strong stuff, place the cover back on, reinsert all of your freshly rotated cigars, and then sit back and allow those gel crystals to work their magic.

[Sign Up for a Klaro Membership]

Step 3: Continue to Rotate Your Cigars 

For the next week, continue to rotate those stogies every day. By doing this, you will allow the humidity-absorbing characteristics of the tobacco to redistribute the damp air in a more uniform fashion. This will also help keep any cigars sitting near those supercharged gel crystals from over humidifying, and will help guarantee an even burn on each cigar.

Step 4: Inspect & Adjust Accordingly 

Wenn for whatever reason your hygrometer or Klaro Valet App, is not reading 67% or higher after a week or so, then it's time to add a little more winter solution. However, being that there is only so much fluid that can be placed inside a Klaro Hydro Tray or Hydro Channel, the addition of a humidity pack may be in order. Available within the Klaro Humidity Pack Membership, these clever packs do an outstanding job of adding that extra kick of humidity to a humidor that has already been maxed out with gel crystals and solution. 

The great thing about these humidity packs is that it takes them forever to go bad, so when warmer weather hits alle you have to do is place the packs back in their Klaro bag, and set them somewhere cool and safe until their services are required once more. Alternatively, you can opt to procure an additional set of Hydro Channels, which have been engineered to fit most Klaro Humidore. Simply load them with fresh gel crystals and a healthy splash of Winter Solution, rotate them every day for the next week or so, and away you go.

To learn more about maintaining your humidity, consider the following resources: 

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